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We're Recruiting Reviewers for the 2026 BYI Program

This page provides details about serving on the Beckman Young Investigator Review Committee, and includes a sign-up link.

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The Beckman Young Investigator (BYI) Program, established in 1991, provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences, with an emphasis on the invention of new instruments, methods, and materials that will open new avenues of research in science.

With an annual application cycle, the BYI Program seeks to recruit a diverse set of reviewers to analyze applications at the Letter of Intent and Full Application review stages.

Reviewer Requirements:

  • Associate Professor or higher at a United States institution in the chemical or life sciences fields.
  • Reviewers must be available to participate in the Letter of Intent Review meeting, Full Application meetings (if invited), and submit electronic reviews by the deadline.

Note: Reviewers may participate from any academic institution in the United States. Your institution is not required to have a current or alum BYI to participate, and we encourage participation from institutions that have not previously received the BYI award.

Please see below for more information on Reviewer requirements and time frame for 2026 BYI Program:

LOI 2026
FA 2026

If interested in reviewing, please complete the Beckman Young Investigator Letter of Intent Availability here. Nicole Patras, Sr. Program Officer, will be in touch with more information once submitted.

Thank you for your consideration in supporting the Beckman Young Investigator Program!