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Resources and Contact Info for Members of the News Media and Marketing & Communications Departments

The mission of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation is to support leading edge research, in the fields of chemistry and life sciences, broadly interpreted, and particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments, and materials that open up new avenues of research and application in these sciences and related disciplines. We aim to support young scientists today for tomorrow's breakthrough discoveries. The Foundation was established on September 29, 1977 and is located in Irvine, CA.

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Media Contact

Members of the news media and marketing and communications departments, please use the phone number and email address below to contact us. Provide your full name, affiliation, phone number, email, questions, and deadline if applicable.




[email protected]

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Social Media

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Download and utilize our Social Media Toolkits:

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Media Resources

All media announcements regarding research supported by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation related to awards, including announcements, presentations, publications, openings, conferences, etc. must prominently acknowledge the support of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation. Institutions named as awardees may announce news only after submitting their signed and dated Award Letter to the Foundation. Please provide links, Digital Object Identifier (DOI), or notifications regarding such materials to the Foundation within 60 days of publication.

In publications and promotional materials, please refer to the Foundation as the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation.

  • Logo in .png format available for download below - other formats available by request

Foundation Fact Sheet

The mission of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation is to support leading edge research, in the fields of chemistry and life sciences, broadly interpreted, and particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments, and materials that open up new avenues of research and application in these sciences and related disciplines. We aim to support young scientists today for tomorrow's breakthrough discoveries. The Foundation is led by Executive Director and CEO Dr. Anne Hultgren, under the direction of the Board of Directors.


Executive Director and CEO

Board of Directors


Annual Report

Click the link below for the Foundation's most recent annual report containing program highlights and a financial overview.

Financial Information

Fiscal Year Financial Highlights

September 2022-August 2023

  • Total expenses and grant disbursements: $39,900,000
  • The Foundation’s endowment net assets increased by $10 million in 2023 from the unrealized gains on investments, offset by the increase in future grant commitments mostly to the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, and a reduction of cash on the balance sheet.
  • During the past year, the Foundation focused on diversifying its investments within new, streamlined asset classes to achieve higher returns while lowering portfolio risk. Further, the Foundation updated its benchmarks used to evaluate relative investment performance.
  • The Foundation utilized its cash more efficiently by funding payments from source accounts and implementing a shortened approval process, thereby minimizing cash transfers and bank float.
  • The Foundation is working with fund managers to determine the effects of paying unrelated business income tax on the Foundation’s 5-year distribution projections and performance.
  • After our net investment income, expenses, and accrual adjustments, the increase in net assets was $10,272,000.

Grant Programs

National Grant Programs

  • Beckman Young Investigator – Provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences, particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new avenues of research in science.
  • Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship – Supports advanced research by postdoctoral scholars within the core areas of fundamental chemistry or the development and build of chemical instrumentation.
  • Beckman Scholars Program – Provides 15-month mentored research experiences for exceptional undergraduate students in chemistry, biological sciences, or interdisciplinary combinations thereof.
  • Beckman Speaker & Conference Support Fund – Provides funding that may be used for speaker travel support for members of the Beckman Family (current/past awardees, Institute Directors, Science Advisory Council, or Board Members), and other expenses related to hosting a seminar or conference. This program seeks to increase exposure to innovative science, promote leadership and communication skills, and enhance networking within Beckman awardee groups.

We also have a research technology initiative which evaluates the need for instrumentation grant programs and implements them as short-term opportunities on a periodic basis; most recently, Mass Spectrometry for Atmospheric Monitoring.

Local Community Work

  • Beckman OC Community Support Grants – Supports organizations with innovative STEM and STEAM activities within the Orange County, California area; awarded for community-based projects, activities, or events that align with the Foundation’s aim of “supporting young scientists today for tomorrow’s breakthrough discoveries.”
  • Beckman 'Family' Awardee Community Support Grants – Supports current Beckman awardees actively engaged as volunteers or Board members in youth STEM or STEAM organizations in their local area with funding of up to $5,000 for a particular project.
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Book an Interview

To inquire about speaking with the Foundation's Executive Director, Dr. Anne Hultgren, please contact us at [email protected].

About the Executive Director:

Dr. Anne Hultgren joined the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation in 2015 as Executive Director and CEO. Previously, she was at the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, working in chemical and biological defense technologies. She received her PhD in Physics and Astronomy from the Johns Hopkins University, and BA in Physics and Mathematics from Franklin and Marshall College.

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Recent Press Releases

Click the link provided beneath each recent headline to view the full news release. Items shown are in descending chronological order.

Last updated: June 27, 2024

Beckman Foundation Awards Irvine Public Schools Foundation $25,000 Orange County Community Support Grant

June 27, 2024

  • Read the news release here.

Beckman Foundation Announces 2024 Beckman Young Investigator Awardees

June 11, 2024

  • Read the news release here.

Beckman Foundation Announces 2024 Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows

April 23, 2024

  • Read the news release here.

Beckman Foundation Hosts Irvine Tech Week Forum Exploring Future of Life Sciences Tech

April 1, 2024

  • Read the news release here.

Beckman Foundation Announces Publication of Results from Multi-year Study on Impact of Blinded Application Reviews on Institutional Prestige Bias in eLife

March 25, 2024

  • Read the news release here.

Beckman Foundation Reveals Updated Logo and Refreshed Visual Identity in Lead Up to Organization's Semicentennial Anniversary

March 7, 2024

  • Read the news release here.

Beckman Foundation Announces 2024 Beckman Scholars Program Awardees

January 23, 2024

  • Read the news release here.

Beckman Foundation Sponsors American Physical Society's Squishy Science Sunday

January 8, 2024

  • Read the news release here.

Beckman Foundation Commits $250,000 to Segerstrom Center for the Arts

December 11, 2023

  • Read the news release here.
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Downloadable Press Kits

Click the links below to access the Foundation's downloadable PDF press kits for programs, events, and campaigns.